Race and Arab Americans after 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects (edited with Nadine Naber), Syracuse University Press, 2008.
Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9-11. (Co-authors Wayne Baker, Sally Howell, Ann Lin, Andrew Shryock, Ron Stockton, and Mark Tessler) Russell Sage, 2009.
Publications: (Journal Articles)
Does Islam Play a Role in anti-Immigrant Sentiment : An Experimental Approach. (with Mat Creighton) Forthcoming at Social Science Research, 2015.
Best paper: the American Sociological Society’s International Migration Section (2016).
Has opposition to Immigration Increased in the US after the Economic Crisis? International Migration Review. (with Mat Creighton) Forthcoming, 2014.
Assimilating to a White Identity: The Case of Arab Americans. (With Kristine Ajrouch): International Migration Review, Fall, 2007.
“The Political Participation and Engagement of Muslim Americans: Mosque Involvement and Group Consciousness,” American Politics Research, May, 2005, pages
“Mosques, Collective Identity, and Gender Differences among Arab-American Muslims,” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies. Winter 2005
*Re-published in Arabic, Cairo: Egypt 2008.
“Muslim Americans, Islam and the “War on Terrorism” at Home and Abroad,” (review article) Middle East Journal. With Sunaina Maira. (Summer, 2005)