Of Empires and Citizens: Pro-American Democracy or No Democracy at All (Fall 2012, Princeton University Press).
Reviewed in: Perspectives on Politics (review article), Foreign Affairs (Symposium); Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Journal of Middle East Studies, The Middle East Journal, International Affairs, Huffington Post, Choice, New Middle Eastern Studies; Arab Studies Quarterly
Middle East Journals/Press: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, al-Anba’ الانباء, Al-Akhbar English; The Angry Arab Blog; al-Ahram االاهرام’
Barriers to Democracy: The Other Side of Social Capital in Palestine and the Arab World.
(Best Book Award: Comparative Democratization: APSA 2008)
Reviewed in: Foreign Affairs, Democratization, Democratiya, Middle East Journal, Choice, Perspectives on Politics, Monthly Review.
Race and Arab Americans after 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects (edited with Nadine Naber), Syracuse University Press, 2008.
Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9-11. (Co-authors Wayne Baker, Sally Howell, Ann Lin, Andrew Shryock, Ron Stockton, and Mark Tessler) Russell Sage, 2009.
Publications: (Journal Articles)
Arab Responses to Western Hegemony: Experimental Evidence from Egypt (with Elizabeth Nugent, Tarek Masoud). Journal of Conflict Resolution. July 2016.
Using the Qur’ān to Empower Arab Women? Theory and Experimental Evidence From Egypt. (With Tarek Masoud and Elizabeth Nugent). Comparative Political Studies. 2016.
Has opposition to Immigration Increased in the US after the Economic Crisis? International Migration Review. (with Mat Creighton) Forthcoming, 2014.
Religion in the Arab Spring: Between Two Competing Narratives. (With Michael Hoffman) Journal of Politics 76:3 July, 2014. (Lead Article)
Anti-Americanism, Authoritarianism, and Attitudes about Women in Politics: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Jordan. (with Sarah Bush) Forthcoming (2014) at International Studies Quarterly.
Governance and Health in the Arab World. (with Rajaie Batnij, Lina Khatib, Melani Cammett, Jeffrey Sweet, Sanjay Basu, Rita Giacaman, and Paul Wise). The Lancet. Jan, 2014.
Can Washington Win over the Arab Street? Foreign Affairs. October 2013.
How Arab Citizens Understand Democracy. Journal of Democracy.Fall 2012. (with Mark Tessler and Michael Robbins)
The Youth and the Arab Spring: Cohort Differences and Similarities. Hoffman, Michael; Jamal, Amaney. Middle East Law and Governance, Volume 4, Number 1, 2012 , pp. 168-188(21)
“Democratic Utility of Trust: A Cross-National Analysis” Journal of Politics. Winter 2010.(with Irfan Nooruddin)
“Dimensions of Democratic Support in the Arab World,” Journal of Democracy. (with Mark Tessler). January, 2008. And also in Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner (eds) How People View Democracy. John Hopkins University Press, October 2008.
“When is Social Trust a Desirable Outcome? Evidence from the Arab World.” November 2007, Comparative Political Studies.
“Who are the Democrats and Islamists in the Arab World?” World Affairs. Fall, 2006.
“Symposium: The Methodologies of Field Research in the Middle East.” PS. July, 2006.
Assimilating to a White Identity: The Case of Arab Americans. (With Kristine Ajrouch): International Migration Review, Fall, 2007.
“The Political Participation and Engagement of Muslim Americans: Mosque Involvement and Group Consciousness,” American Politics Research, May, 2005, pages
“Mosques, Collective Identity, and Gender Differences among Arab-American Muslims,” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies. Winter 2005
*Re-published in Arabic, Cairo: Egypt 2008.
“Muslim Americans, Islam and the “War on Terrorism” at Home and Abroad,” (review article) Middle East Journal. With Sunaina Maira. (Summer, 2005)
“The Prospects of Democratic and Economic Reform in the Arab World,” Perspectives on Politics. Fall, 2005.
“Regimes and Rules: Reassessing the Influence of Regime Type on Electoral Law Formation.” Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 35 No. 3 April, 2002. (With Ellen Lust-Okar).
Journal Articles Currently Under Revise and Resubmit:
US Military Intervention and the Status of Women in the Arab World (with Irfan Nooruddin) Under Revise and Resubmit at the American Journal of Political Science.
Is it Gender, Religion or Both? A Survey Experiment on Electability in Transitional Tunisia. (With Ellen Lust and Lindsay Benstead) Under Revise and Resubmit at Perspectives on Politics.
Journal Articles Currently Under Review:
Does Islam Play a Role in anti-Immigrant Sentiment : An Experimental Approach. (with Mat Creighton) Under Review
Who Participates in Democratic Revolutions? A Comparison of Participants in the Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions (With Mark Beissinger and Kevin Mazur). Under Review.
America in the Eyes of Arabic Tweeters. With Robert O. Keohane, David Romney and Dustin Tingley. Under Review.
Current Projects and Working Papers
Project: Anti-Americanism and Social Media in the Arab World: With Robert Keohane, David Romney and Dustin Tingley.
Working Paper(s): America in the Eyes of Arabic Tweeters
Project: Politics and Preferences toward Globalization in the Arab World. With Helen Milner
Working Paper(s): Economic and Cultural Preferences for Globalization in Egypt
Project: Unpacking Islamism in the Muslim World. With Tarek Masoud and Elizabeth Nugent.
Working Papers(s): Islamism and the Problem of Western Hegemony: Experimental Evidence from Egypt
Discursive Frames and Policy Preferences in the Muslim World: When Does Religion Resonate? Experimental Evidence from Egypt.
Book Chapters:
Women and Public Office in the Arab World. (Encyclopedia Entry) Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Culture. (Winter, 2005).
“Maintaining Access,” with Ann Lin in Inside Story: Gaining Access to Research Sites. (Eds.) Feldman, Martha, Bell, Jennine and Sherry Berger. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press, 2003.
“Mainstream America’s Silence: The Racialization of Arab Americans.” in Amaney Jamal and Nadine Naber’s “Race and Arab Americans after 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects” Syracuse University Press, Feb 2008; and in Abdulkader Sinno (ed) Muslims in the West. Indiana University Press, 2008.
“Arab American Racialization.” in Amaney Jamal and Nadine Naber’s “Race and Arab Americans after 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects” Syracuse University Press, Feb 2008
“Values, Formative Experience and Intergroup Contact” With Wayne Baker.Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9-11.Russell Sage Foundation, 2009.
The Aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks among Arab Americans: Detroit Exceptionalism and the Limits of Political Incorporation. (with Sally Howell) Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9-11. (2009) and in Katherine Ewing (ed) Being and Belonging: Muslims in the United States Since 9/11. June 2008.
Belief and Belonging: How Churches and Mosques Matter in Arab (and Chaldean) Detroit. (With Sally Howell) in Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit after 9-11.2009.
“Associations without Democracy,” Generating Genuine Demand for Accountability: Public Opinion and State Responsiveness. World Bank, Winter 2010.
Inside and Outside the Box: The Politics of Arab American Identity and Artistic Representations in Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the U.S eds. Paul Di Maggio and Patricia Fernandez, 2010.
Muslim Americans: Enriching or Depleting American Democracy in Democracy and Religion. Eds. Alan Wolf and Ira Katznelson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Actors, Opinion and Participation in Ellen Lust-Okar, The Middle East, 12th Edition, Congressional Quarterly, Summer 2010.
Demographics, political participation, and representation, The Cambridge Companion on American Islam (ed Omid Safi and Juliane Hammer). Oxford, 2013. With Liali Al-Banna.
Political Attitudes of Youth Cohorts, in The Arab Uprisings Explained: The New Contentious Politics in the Middle East (ed Marc Lynch)Columbia University Press, 2014. (with Michael Hoffman)
The Improvement of Women’s Rights in the Arab World in Governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Handbook (ed Abbas Kandhim). Routledge 2013. (with Vickie Langohr)
Women and the Middle East in the Political Science Discipline: Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures. 2014. (with Vickie Langohr)
Other Projects:
Arab Barometer Project- Principal Investigator: (with Mark Tessler)
Best Dataset in the field of Comparative Politics: Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Dataset Award (2010)
Funded: Middle East Partnership Initiative. Survey Data collected in (First Wave 2005) Funded by MEPI
(Second Wave 2010): Funded UNDP Arab World, IDRC, and USIP
(Third Wave 2013): Funded UNDP Arab World, and IDRC
Muslims in New York Principal Investigator “Mosques, Civic Engagement, and Political Incorporation of American Muslims.” Funded by the Muslims in New York Project at Columbia University. This projects surveys Muslims in Brooklyn, New York. (2003)
Detroit Arab American Study Co-Principal Investigator: Detroit Arab American Study. Co-Principal Investigator on a companion research project to the Detroit Area Study for 2002 (Institute of Social Research, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). This project surveys Arab Americans in the Detroit Metro Area. (2003)
Pew Research Center- Senior Project Advisor: (Religion in Public Life: American Muslim Project—Study consists of a National survey of the Muslim American population and surveys and focus groups in four cities: New York, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles. ). Summer 2006-Summer 2007. See: (2006)
Luce Project- Co-PI: Religion, Conflict and Political Development. (2008-2011) Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.
Pew Research Center- Senior Project Advisor (Religion in Public Life: Islam in the World) (2010-2012)
TESS: List Experiment- “Perceptions of Islam, Migration, and Citizenship in the United States: A list Experiment.” With Mat Creighton (Spring 2010)
Field Experiment “The Consequences of International Support for Gender Quotas in Jordan: A Field Experiment” With Sarah Bush. (Summer 2010)
Who Votes Islamism: Why Islamism? With Tarek Masoud and Elizabeth Nugent (Summer 2012)
Votes and Gender: How Salient is the Gender Gap in the Arab World? With Lindsay Benstead and Ellen Lust
Other Publications/Papers/Consultancies:
“The Anatomy of Protest in Egypt and Tunisia,” Foreign Policy. April 15, 2013. (with Mark Beissinger and Kevin Mazur)
“Egypt: What Comes Next?” The Monkey Cage. July 2, 2013. (with Liz Nugent).
“Mohammad Mursi’s Dangerous Gamble and the Withering of Democracy in Egypt?” The Monkey Cage. September, 13, 2012.
“President Obama: Here is Your ‘Game Changer’” Foreign Policy. Jan 29, 2011. (with Tarek Masoud and Ellen Lust)
“Background Paper on Democratic Governance and Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)” The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Women’s Rights and Citizenship (WRC) Program. April 2010.
Consultant: National Study of Undergraduate Teaching in Palestine. Summer 2009. AmidEast/USAID.
“Arab States: Has the United States Poisoned Democracy?” Carnegie Arab Reform Bulletin. October, 2008. (With Mark Tessler)
“A Tweaked View of Muslim Americans.” Islamic Horizons. November/December 2007 (with Farid Senzai).
“Cosmetic Steps Forward and Substantive Steps Back: Democratic Reform in the Arab World. UNDP: 6th International Conference on New and Restored Democracies, Doha, Qatar, October 2006.
“What the Palestinian Elections Really Signify?” United States Institute of Peace: Muslim World Initiative, Jan 2005.
(Book Review). “Arab Nationalism: From Triumph to Despair” Political Science Quarterly. Summer, 2004.
Preliminary Findings from the Detroit Arab American Study, Summer 2004 (with Wayne Baker, Sally Howell, Ann Lin, Andrew Shryock, Ron Stockton and Mark Tessler).
SSRC Working Paper: Arab and Muslim Americans post 9-11, Summer, 2004.
SSRC Working Paper: Homeland Security and our Nation’s Social Capital (with Steve Heydemann), Summer, 2004.
“From Active Resistance to Democratic Missionaries? Palestinian Local Elites” Palestine Report-Jerusalem Media and Communications Center. May, 2000.
(Book Review) “Islamic Politics in Palestine. International Journal of Middle East Studies. (August, 2001).
(Book Review) “Bint Arab: Arab and Arab American Women in the United States.” Middle East Women’s Studies Review. (Spring 1998.)